Youth Ministry Restarts Here
Youth Ministry Restarts Here
The Purpose
The goal is transformed lives.
It’s seeing young people grow closer to Christ and the church, as they pursue God’s purposes with passion. In other words, spiritual maturity and lifelong discipleship.
This goal is actually doable, by God’s grace. And to get there, a church does not need to hire the "right person," but simply have the right attitude.
Study after study has shown that effective youth ministry comes from teaching parents and other adults how to step out in faith and step into the calling God has already given them to work with young people. In short,
It takes a whole church to do youth ministry.
The Plan
Reboot is a team of people with hundreds of years of combined youth ministry experience. Why not learn from our mistakes, and benefit from our successes?
We can help you restart your youth ministry. Our plan is not to move in and take over, but rather cooperate with you in the near term, so that afterward the whole congregation can take over.
We connect churches to each other, so they can compare notes and share stories. We organize retreats for people to receive instruction and inspiration. And we are working to provide online resources, so everyone can take advantage of this new approach to youth work.
The cost? Free. We’ve received generous support from people who believe in what we’re doing, so we offer our services for no charge.
The Program
The basic requirements are love for young people and a willingness to be innovative.
More specifically, we are working with 18 congregations that
- are located within 300 miles of Dallas and
- do not currently employ a full-time, paid youth minister.
We’re not against full-time professionals. Many of us worked in those positions. But our particular calling is helping innovative congregations see how youth ministry can be everyone’s business.