Microgrant Awards (2022)
Grant project
Intergenerationally-supported local summer activities with youth; Youth parent cohort.
Grant project
Intergenerational youth mission trip planned and led by youth.
Grant project
Intergenerational mentoring;
Congregational programs with youth leadership.
Grant project
Creating gathering spaces in the church for youth; Intergenerational programming.
Grant project
Connection Opportunities, Events, and Life Skills Courses in intergenerational partnerships with neighboring schools
(Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.)
The Reboot Innovator Cohort (since 2019)
Project focus
Developing theologically and spiritually grounded servant leaders.
Project focus
Creating an atmosphere in our church for our youth to feel welcomed, seen and accepted.
Project focus
Engaging youth in the mission of sharing Christ’s love.
Project focus
Building a foundation of opportunities for youth formation, engagement, leadership and spiritual growth.
Project focus
Not only being interested in our own lives, but being interested in the lives of others.
Project focus
Weaving our students in the whole life of the church.
Project focus
Developing our young people’s ministry to provide a safe, inclusive, interactive, supportive spiritual growth community.
Project focus
Revitalizing and transforming our youth ministry with a focus on increased young male engagement.
Project focus
Creating sustainable programs that promote and strengthen intergenerational engagement, spiritual formation, youth agency, and mentoring.
Project focus
Empowering and equipping our youth to make an impact in our church and the community, and creating intergenerational mentoring.
The Illinois Great Rivers Cohort (since 2021)
United Methodist Annual Conference